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7 reasons why your business deserves to use WordPress

7 reasons why your business deserves to use WordPress

We’ve been working with WordPress since 2008, so naturally we think it’s amazing.

WordPress is known as a blogging tool, powering tens of thousands of successful blogs, but it is also a very useful content management system to run a business website or an online shop.

Over 20% of the websites online are now run with WordPress and over 30% of the online shops use WooCommerce which is based on WordPress. So this is is a widely used piece of software.

But why?

Reason 1: It’s very easy to use

WordPress is very easy to use.

People with no previous experience in content management or web updating use it every day to communicate through their sites. It usually takes about an hour for someone to learn how to use the basic features, sometimes less.

It opens up the possibility of having anyone in your company contribute to the content online – whether adding projects, news releases or blogging what you know.

Reason 2: WordPress is very flexible

As WordPress is a web-based content management system, you can add content whenever and wherever you want.

The features that make it so useful as a blog also make it flexible for adding pages – including moving content around the site, while the links keep up with you.

Reason 3: It’s social media ready

As a social media tool, WordPress allows you to post items and then link to them from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other social media sites. You can let people comment on pages and blog articles, subscribe to your blog posts by email and bookmark your site with social bookmarking tools.

Reason 4: Google loves it

We ensure that each WordPress site we set up is optimised for search engine performance. A few easy steps using the excellent Yoast SEO plugin makes sure that when you add a page or a post, you’ll be adding content that Google will find attractive.

Reason 5: It handles video and audio beautifully

Adding mp3s and video to your site normally requires some technical understanding. With WordPress, this isn’t necessary.

Adding a video file is as easy as pasting in the link provided by YouTube. Adding audio with Soundcloud is very similar. You can even add PowerPoint slides to your site from Slideshare.

Reason 6: It’s a platform for growth

Unlike a static site or a content management system made in-house by a web company, WordPress is continually evolving.

It will be at the forefront of developments in web technology and what people expect from a business site for a long time. In fact WordPress is increasingly a software platform for business applications.

This acts as a guarantee that you will be able to expand on your investment without major expense in the years to come.

Reason 7: A community of support

The WordPress community is huge. With so many people using the system there are hundreds of experts all around the world available to help out.

We provide support and our own WordPress care plans, but there’s comfort that there are thousands of people who could help you if needed.

Someone, somewhere will have already had the issue you’re facing and the community makes it easy to reach out to others to find a solution.

Just 7?

There are of course more than 7 reasons to use WordPress!

The important thing is what are the reasons that you should choose WordPress – and if it’s actually right for you to start with.

There’s no guarantee that it is, but we think that most of the tasks that need to be carried out by small businesses online, can be done with WordPress.